Vandenhul The Second RCA 1m
Thông Tin Kỹ Thuật
- Van Den Hul The Second Audio Cable
- Length: 1m
- Cable Type: Quadruple screened twin core (Balanced)
- Conductor Material: Linear Structured Carbon ®
- Design Purpose/ Application Area(s): Highest quality balanced interconnect / Audio interconnect; Tone arm to preamp (*); Professional recording; Electrical instrument cable; Long distance (balanced) low level signal transport ; AES-EBU digital interconnect (**)
- Eff. Conductor Ø/Eq. AWG No./Strands: - / - / LSC Cores: 12,000; Screen: 204
- External Diameter / Dimensions: 7.3 mm
- Resistance 20 °C / 68 °F: Cores: ~36 Ohm/m
- Capacitance: Core-core: 68 pF/m
- Insulation / Dielectric Strength / Test Voltage: Cores: PE foam; Jacket: HULLIFLEX ® 3 / 300 Vrms min
- Connector Types Suitable: Neutrik XLR; Neutrik 1/4" (6.3 mm.) Jack/Phone plug; Our RCA type C - 7.3; Custom mountable on ordered lengths
- Standard Sales Units / Lengths: Stereo pair packed with XLR (balanced) or RCA (unbalanced) connectors in 0.8 & 1.0m. Single packed for AES-EBU digital audio interface purposes with XLR (balanced) connectors in 0.8 & 1.0m. For digital audio longer lengths of The SECOND ® are not advised
- Jacket Colours Available: Light-brown
- Remarks: Connectors need to be factory mounted
- (*): For MM and high output MC cartridges. (**): For short distances only and exhibits a good impedance mismatch reflection damping
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